Saturday, April 14, 2007

an old contessa with new body paint and new pairs of alloy wheels... hmmmm fine, but wait ..wats HONDA's wheel doin in contessa... missmatch, and we do not realize it.. untill or other wise we got knlowedge abt those things... for some one who cant recognize honda's symbol... this match is perfect, else its a MISSMATCH. but y do we have missmatch, especially known.. pure desperation.. got to have it at any cost. not rational specific. MISSMATCH occur due to irrational despiration. in other words "BLIND DESIRE". Every man is a slave of his own DESIRE. A missmatch forms the weakest point in an THING. its also said "a THING is as strong as its weakest point". MISSMATCH creats the point, IRRATIONAL, BLIND DESIRE creats the MISSMATCH.
THE CONCLUSION...... its upto u to match it..... adios