CAPTAIN'S BLOG...Star date..(yet 2 find)..
pleasent and happy ......never seen them ....hard rock n heavy laughter never leave me. Did my economics exam...kinda k. Oh peps got 2 tell ya this ..this guy in my class..studies hard..but..cant analyze..u give him a problem with some digits..immediatly adds them and multiplies with hundred..ask him why ....he says "why not?"..if thats not the answer then he subracts and divides by hundred and the same old story.......AH forget it....
I dont understand one thing ..look i am a kind of a big guy..cause of that or not i dono why...the guy who serves special items in the hostel mess always gives me more than i should this luck...i BET. longe live that guy.
emmmmmmm wat else friend is getting a dame sexy mobile today...and me got nothing 2 do ..(thats why blogging SHIT).......and one my friend has gone MAD..dono why.....
- Wills