Friday, July 25, 2008

Why do wolves stare at the moon or are even assosiated with the moon. They've never been there, we dont know wether the wolves know anything abt the moon (may b they do). I thought , i was the weird one. Living in ma own world, deriving powers from things , that arent mine (infact i dont know where ma powers are from). If i do have powers ...... wat r they, actually i dont care. When we care, we fear. We are afraid to loose it or we are aware of it. And when we are aware of something, we diffentiate it, we detach 4m it (atleast we think abt it) .. and thats not good , atleast for me. 

  So, What eva ma powers are (if there are nay) i am happy abt it . what eva the source is for ma powers (if there are any) i am greatfull for it, thank you. What eva ma life is about (if there is any) i got to live it. So , lemme live it  [:)]